Gardening has inspired me to grow in all areas of my life. I’ve been gardening in some sense of the term since 2017. I’m proud of all that I’ve learned and accomplished since then. It’s amazing what you learn by trial and error in the dirt.
When I first started gardening, it was just an interest to see what I could do. A tomato plant here. Green bell pepper there. An okra plant over here. You know, easy things. As time has passed, I’ve found myself becoming more and more in love with being in my garden and growing my own food.
Fast forward to 2023. Y’all I’m planning an entire homestead. What was once a hobby, to see what I can do, has become a passion. The things that I’ve been able to do and grow over the past six years have been nothing short of amazing. I’m someone who naturally questions their own abilities. Gardening has given me more confidence in my capabilities.
Not only has gardening been great for growing food. It has given me a deeper sense of purpose, drawn me closer to God, and provided so many learning opportunities for real life application. It has taught me to be patient and to persevere despite what it looks like.
Have you tried your hand at gardening? What are you planting for spring/summer? Has your love of gardening and growing things inspired you in other areas of your life?