Just B. White

Your friend who knows a little about a lot.

Fear What

Wow, 6 years. 72 months.

What is that? That’s the amount of time that it has taken me to start this blog. This morning, as I looked through my notes app on my iPhone, I found a note dated January 4, 2017. The title? Blog Entry/Blog Names. What took me so long to pull this plug? To execute? To pursue a dream?

Fear. Fear has kept me from pursuing my dreams. Fear of what Brandi? Fear of failure, imperfection, and exposure, to start. Now of course I know all of this is nonsense. There have been so many studies, podcasts, and seminars that have addressed the topic of doing things through fear. Learning through fear. “Falling forward”, if you will.

So this posit is for “2017” Brandi. We’re doing it girl. All in, through fear, with faith.

Thank you for joining me.

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